Stay Relevant

In The Speed of Trust, Stephen M.R. Covey states: “only 29% of employees believe that their management is interested in developing their skills.” That statistic is a concerning, particularly given how fast jobs and the work environment are changing these days. While misperceptions may partly explain it, we all know that perception is reality. If employees don’t think their management is supportive in this area, they are less likely to seek out developmental opportunities necessary for them and their companies to stay relevant in a competitive marketplace. In a time where finding and retaining talent is a challenge, offering professional development opportunities can give businesses a competitive edge. Personally, I was fortunate to have leadership in my most recent position who provided me opportunities, time, and resources to develop additional skills in my new role. And it made all the difference in the world. With their support, I stood up several new executive coaching programs during the pandemic. Not only was this experience professionally rewarding, but it also provided a valuable resource for our leaders at all levels who were up against a myriad of challenges they had never encountered previously.


Considerations for business leaders:

  • What professional development opportunities do you offer your employees? What additional options might you offer?
  • How are your employees made aware of these opportunities?
  • How are your employees encouraged to seek out and/or propose developmental opportunities that mutually benefit them and the company?


Considerations for individual employees:

  • What professional development opportunities does your employer offer? Which one(s) interest you?
  • What is a skill you would be interested in developing that would benefit you professionally as well your company?
  • How might you take the initiative to ask for a professional development opportunity?


If you are looking for professional development opportunities tailored to your personal career goals or your company’s needs, please feel free to contact me for a free consultation.